Supreme Merino Exhibit, Walcha Show, NSW
Champion Fine Wool Ewe, 175th Campbell Town Show, TAS
Champion Fine Wool Ram, 175th Campbell Town Show, TAS
Grand Champion Merino Ram, 175th Campbell Town Show, TAS
Supreme Merino & Supreme Wool Breed Exhibit, 175th Campbell Town Show, TAS

Jock holding N19 on mat winning Grand Champion Ram Campbell Town Show 2013. This ram was sold to long time clients, Broula Stud, Tarcutta NSW for $12500 at the Dubbo National show and sale 2013. He cut 14.5 kg after the sale.
Champion March Shorn Fine Wool Ram, Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show, VIC

N74, Champion March Fine Wool at Bendigo and the Dubbo National.
This Ram was sold at Hamilton Sheepvention for $10000 to Langdene, Grassy Creek, Kerrsville, and Glenpaen Studs.
Champion March Shorn Fine Wool Ram and Reserve Champion, Dubbo National