Ram Sale & Catalogue

Nerstane offers almost 200 rams so that there is something available in every price range

Our annual On-Property Ram Sale is always held on the last Friday in January.

The next Sale date is Friday 31st of January 2025, commencing at 12.30 pm. View this year’s  catalogue.

2025 Nerstane catalogue


Each year, our Ram Sale follows a set program: a selection of both stud and commercial ewes start the sale at 12.30pm; the single pens’ auction is at 1pm and then it is followed by the auction of the pens of three. All rams are sold in paddock condition ready to work.

With the exception of a small number of special 2 year old rams at the start of the sale and a few rams chosen for show later on in the year, the single penned rams on offer are the tops of the drop.

Every ram has had the same feed and have been run together since they were weaned in the previous year. While it is always tempting to give a few of the better ones a top paddock and a self feeder we feel it is more important for our clients to be comparing “apples with apples” every year that they come to the Nerstane sale.

Over 200 rams are usually sold on the day. We offer these numbers so that we can cater for everyone… from speciality stud clients right through to bulk flock ram purchasers. Both the ewe and the ram auction is integrated with Auctions Plus so if you can’t make it on the day you may bid from home if that is your preference.

Every ram has actual measured information displayed as well as pedigrees and ASBVs

All rams for sale are penned on the concrete so you can see absolutely everything. Recent actual tests, histograms and body weights in addition to the latest SG data is displayed on each ram.

And of course, we (John, Hamish and Jock) are all on-hand to discuss your requirements and to answer any specific questions you may have about a certain animal.

We hope to see you there!



Brucellocis Accredited Free Flock
MN3 Status for National Johne Disease Program
Declared Footrot Free

Please click on the red links below for more information:

Facilities & Directions | Delivery of Rams | Nerstane Sale Conditions |






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Facilities & Directions

There’s a map and written directions of how to find Nerstane here, and we’ve also provided a list of suggested accommodation and transport options here. If there’s anything else we can help with before the sale, please let us know.

A shapshot of the crowd during the auction at our 2012 Ram Sale

A BBQ lunch is available on the day for purchase, a service provided by the local Walcha fundraising arm of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service.

Nerstane also donates a ram each year to the Helicopter Service and our agents do not charge commission for this ram. The best contribution to the helicopter so far was in 2010 when Veolia Enviromental Services paid $6000 for their ram. 

Complimentary drinks and sandwiches are available following the sale which you are welcome to take with you if you have to get on the road.

Clean amenities are also available in two convenient locations at the sale.

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Delivery of Rams

Nerstane can organise the delivery of your rams

Please note that Nerstane will cover the costs of delivery of your rams if you purchase 5 or more rams at the sale and as long as they are insured after the sale.

Nerstane and our agents can organise rams to be delivered by Dick Smith Studstock Transport approximately a week after the sale. They deliver to Southern NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia.

You will find this family transport company most professional and feedback from clients in the past has always been positive.

Please contact Nick Hall (Adcock Partners) 0436 449 033 or John Newsome 0428 669 498 (Elders) on or before the day if you would like to use this service.



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Nerstane Sale Conditions

The following conditions apply to all rams sold by Nerstane Pastoral Co:

Retention of half semen sale proceeds
1. In the event that the buyer elects to market semen from the ram purchased, the buyer shall account and pay to the Nerstane Pastoral Co. one half of the net proceeds there from.

2. The buyer shall not market semen from the ram he has purchased other than on terms consistent with industry practices, without the consent of Nerstane Pastoral Co.

3. The buyer shall not sell or assign any interest in the ram he has purchased without first ensuring that the purchaser enters into a Deed of Covenant with the seller binding the purchaser to Nerstane Pastoral Co. in the manner stated in conditions one and two.

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