Tag: N231 (120231) Champion Fine Medium March Ram Bendigo 2014
Reserve Champion Fine Medium March Ram Dubbo 2014
Reserve Champion Fine Medium Wool Ram Sydney 2015
Cost: $50 plus GST (per ewe dose) |
Born: 2012 |
Sire: L4073 (2009 Australian Ram of the Year) x N43 |
Dam: AI N1066 x N222 out of ET4060 x N2 |
Fibre: 18.7 SD 3.3 CV 17.6 CF 99.1% (Bendigo and Dubbo test) |

N231 – Champion Fine Medium March shorn Ram Australian Sheep and Wool Show 2014
Semen is available from Nerstane’s exciting sire in N231.
Nerstane has come to an arrangrment to sell N231 to Coryule Merino Stud, Skipton, Victoria, after the Sydney Royal Easter Show in 2015. Coryule will take posession of the ram after Sydney. Nerstane will retain half semen rights in the ram and will continue to market semen.
This ram has an excellent pedigree being by Langdene’s top sire L4073 who was by N43 and out of an AI ewe by N222 also by N43. The Grand Dam (4060) was by N2 and was one of Nerstane’s most prolific ET donor ewes.
N231 has a beautiful sire’s head with a wide hornset and strong soft muzzle. 143 kg at just 2 years old (as a March shorn in Dubbo) exemplifies the exceptional bone and spring of rib of this ram. Probably the most pleasing thing about this sire is his balance. Structurally, everything about him is in proportion even with his great weight and size. Standing very well on all four feet he always has that “look at me” presence about him.
N231 was our leading ram in our winning Stonehaven Cup team and in our winning pair, He weighed 156 kg at Sydney, and cut over 15 kg of wool after being shorn with the blades.
A well nourished productive 66’s would be the best way to describe his wool which also has excellent staple length and thickness.
2 out of the 3 top priced $20,000 rams rams sold at Bendigo in 2018 were by N231,