N73 – Rabobank Supreme Merino Ram of Australia

John, Jock, Michael Peden, Grantley Mullan, Peter Stockman,Hamish, Simon Bahr, and Alex Wilson after the judging at Dubbo 2017
Supreme Merino Exhibit, Walcha Show, NSW
Supreme Merino Exhibit, Armidale Show, NSW
Junior Ram, Armidale Show, NSW
Champion Junior Ram, Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
Tom Culley award for Supreme Junior Exhibit, Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW

Jock holding N170, judged Supreme Junior Merino 2017
Grand Champion Fine Medium Wool Ewe, Australian Sheep & Wool Show, Bendigo VIC

Jock holding 1093, Grand Champion FM wool ewe Bendigo 2017
Reserve Grand Champion Fine Medium Wool Ram, Australian Sheep & Wool Show Bendigo VIC

N73 Bendigo 2017
Grand Champion Ram and Ewe of the Dubbo National Show and Sale 2017
Max Smith August Shorn Pair, Dubbo National Show and Sale, NSW

Hamish, John and Jock holding the Grand Champion Ram and Ewe that also won the Pair in Dubbo 2017
Grand Champion Ram and Australian Supreme Merino (N73)

Jock, Hamish, and John with N73, Australian Ram of the Year 2017.